I just cloned https://github.com/pypilot/openplotter-pypilot onto a brand new openplotter 3 image and installed it with sudo python3 setup.py install, and it ran without any major surprises - as systemd services, and the hat service starting without hat hardware. Service can also be started manually, and I could also run pypilot at the prompt for debugging purposes. So it had everything I expected!
Only things were that
- Bottom bar check mentioned that 'hardware serial needed to be enabled', even though I had enabled it in raspi-config and rebooted afterwards. This needed to be done in openplotter-serial (UART0), but the message was not clear.
- There were 3 access request in signalk, but only 1 worked ('ip': '::ffff:'). Note that I have eth0 connected and tcp6 present in my home network.
- There was a recurring error in the on-screen build log that looked ugly (see below). I don't like errors that I should ignore. False negatives lead to ignoring true negatives.
- I could not scroll back in the on-screen build log nor copy text from it.
But the bottom line is that from my point I can definitely see convergence. Keep up the good work!
![[Image: 191850350-ce8ca22d-157e-4142-a1b1-05f492806dcc.png]](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17980560/191850350-ce8ca22d-157e-4142-a1b1-05f492806dcc.png)
Only things were that
- Bottom bar check mentioned that 'hardware serial needed to be enabled', even though I had enabled it in raspi-config and rebooted afterwards. This needed to be done in openplotter-serial (UART0), but the message was not clear.
- There were 3 access request in signalk, but only 1 worked ('ip': '::ffff:'). Note that I have eth0 connected and tcp6 present in my home network.
- There was a recurring error in the on-screen build log that looked ugly (see below). I don't like errors that I should ignore. False negatives lead to ignoring true negatives.
- I could not scroll back in the on-screen build log nor copy text from it.
But the bottom line is that from my point I can definitely see convergence. Keep up the good work!
![[Image: 191850350-ce8ca22d-157e-4142-a1b1-05f492806dcc.png]](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17980560/191850350-ce8ca22d-157e-4142-a1b1-05f492806dcc.png)
![[Image: 191849990-b891f055-8172-4059-a19f-31d1e6953f83.png]](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17980560/191849990-b891f055-8172-4059-a19f-31d1e6953f83.png)