My NMEA2000 data connection stops receiving data after about 15 - 25 minutes. When I restart SignalK server, the data is read again.
When nothing is received in SK and I open candump, I can still see the data coming in on can0.
RPi CM4 on Waveshare CM4-IO-BASE-B, DSI display, Waveshare 2CH-CAN-HAT, Sailor Hat for RPi v2, Waveshare Relay Board.
OpenPlotter 3
auto can0
iface can0 can static
bitrate 250000
post-up /sbin/ip link set can0 txqueuelen 65536
can1 is configured differently and continuously used for sending J1939 test data to a SH-ESP32-based board which receives those engine-related PGNs and translates and outputs them to NMEA2000, which is connected to RPi-can0. So can1 is not set up as datasource in SignalK. But both can0 and can1 show up just fine in the CAN BUS app.
(I don't recall having this problem before I started playing with the above...)
When nothing is received in SK and I open candump, I can still see the data coming in on can0.
RPi CM4 on Waveshare CM4-IO-BASE-B, DSI display, Waveshare 2CH-CAN-HAT, Sailor Hat for RPi v2, Waveshare Relay Board.
OpenPlotter 3
auto can0
iface can0 can static
bitrate 250000
post-up /sbin/ip link set can0 txqueuelen 65536
can1 is configured differently and continuously used for sending J1939 test data to a SH-ESP32-based board which receives those engine-related PGNs and translates and outputs them to NMEA2000, which is connected to RPi-can0. So can1 is not set up as datasource in SignalK. But both can0 and can1 show up just fine in the CAN BUS app.
(I don't recall having this problem before I started playing with the above...)