2024-02-18, 02:52 PM
one more interesting thing pypilot app hangs itself and terminal where it was open. at least i cant enter anything fro keyboard in it. if i close terminal and open other all ok.
what does the repeating line means? why pypilot teed to reset gps timeoffset?
imu rate set to rate 20
IMU all sensor axes verified
setting initial gyro bias [0.46, 0.05, -0.15]
reset gps timeoffset 19771
sensor found gps serial GN/dev/serial/by-path/platform-xhci-hcd.1-usb-0: Sun Feb 18 07:45:20 2024
gpsd connected
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
calibration loaded, starting 122792
reset gps timeoffset 19771
signalk process 122802
signalkread token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkZXZpY2UiOiI1ZjVjMWQ1MC05MzU2LTQyYjQtYWViOC1iNWNkYzJlOTk2ZWMiLCJpYXQiOjE3MDc5NzU1NjIsImV4cCI6MTczOTUzMzE2Mn0.pi3BW7sIS65h5f-4v-LywOg8wqRVLwnSzu8Ul4ytPN0
reset gps timeoffset 19771
signalk server found
signalk found ws://
signalk connected to ws://
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
gpsd timeout from lack of data
gpsd disconnected
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
gpsd connected
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
gpsd timeout from lack of data
gpsd disconnected
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
gpsd connected
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
gpsd timeout from lack of data
gpsd disconnected
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
gpsd connected
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
what does the repeating line means? why pypilot teed to reset gps timeoffset?
imu rate set to rate 20
IMU all sensor axes verified
setting initial gyro bias [0.46, 0.05, -0.15]
reset gps timeoffset 19771
sensor found gps serial GN/dev/serial/by-path/platform-xhci-hcd.1-usb-0: Sun Feb 18 07:45:20 2024
gpsd connected
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
calibration loaded, starting 122792
reset gps timeoffset 19771
signalk process 122802
signalkread token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkZXZpY2UiOiI1ZjVjMWQ1MC05MzU2LTQyYjQtYWViOC1iNWNkYzJlOTk2ZWMiLCJpYXQiOjE3MDc5NzU1NjIsImV4cCI6MTczOTUzMzE2Mn0.pi3BW7sIS65h5f-4v-LywOg8wqRVLwnSzu8Ul4ytPN0
reset gps timeoffset 19771
signalk server found
signalk found ws://
signalk connected to ws://
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
gpsd timeout from lack of data
gpsd disconnected
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
gpsd connected
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
gpsd timeout from lack of data
gpsd disconnected
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
gpsd connected
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
gpsd timeout from lack of data
gpsd disconnected
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
gpsd connected
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771
reset gps timeoffset 19771