2024-02-27, 05:04 PM
(2024-02-27, 02:59 AM)seandepagnier Wrote: Yes, there are two files:
If you leave both empty it might have annoying behavior you describe. Otherwise you could put just the ports you want it to use in the first file, and/or the ports you dont want it to use in the blacklist file.
It should also be smart and not try to use devices gpsd is using as well, but if you find this to be untrue, let me know and for now put the port in the blacklist file
Thanks, it is good to know about blacklist_serial_ports.
Short question, if i set pypilot to start as service, does it starts from root or pi, my general knowlage says it will start from root?
and if it starts from root, it will not find .pypilot directory in root-s home, so i need to to do simlinks or so.
BTW, do you know how OP starts apps?