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Raspberry Pi5 headless grahics trix
A graphics bug in Pi OS, but also a workaround, maybee somthing to put in download image for Openplotter:

Using Openplotter 4 Headless download link from Openplotter.
Updating Pi and Openplotter via automatic updates.
HW is Pi5, no monitor attached, access via VNC
Wayland graphics is be disabled, using x11 instead

Using Hardware acceleration (OpenGL) in OpenCPN/Display/advanced makes system slow.
Pi: Preferences/screenconfiguration do not work.
OpenCPN is always crashing on start, doing next start by selecting "No" to safe mode starts OpenCPN.
There are no entries in OpenCPN log for this crash.

If using hardware acceleration (Open GL) in openCPN the whole system is real slow.
Turning of hardware acceleration in Open CPN performance is back, but graphics is weird.
Some status bars like chart zoom is in wrong position, look at post 70-71:

Connecting fysical HDMI screen solves all problems.
So a functional workaround forcing Pi5 to always use HDMI, 1080x1920 even without screen connected:

In boot/firmware/config.txt:

Edit by: sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt

In boot/firmware/cmdline.txt

Edit by: sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt
NOTE: do not use a new row, put the text after all existing text, add a blankspace followed by: video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080M@60D

After this Pi: Preferences/screenconfiguration work; set resolution 1080x1920


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