(2024-07-08, 06:22 PM)Adrian Wrote: It would be interesting to see a scope trace of the data coming out of the NASA device.
Generally, for debugging NMEA 0183 inputs: The NMEA 0183 RX LED should be off when idle, and blink on when there's activity. If the LED action is the other way around (on when idle, blinking off when active), swapping +/- wires may help.
Actisense has a great document about the electrical details of NMEA 0183: https://actisense.com/wp-content/uploads...-4-1-1.pdf
My wind system is a Nasa Clipper v2 with 3 wires. For several years, I've been using the Nmea4Wifi multiplexer and it worked well through the wifi network or via usb. Signal K and Opencpn received nmea strings with Openplotter 3 / PI 4.
I'm mounting a new raspberry PI 5 with the McArthur hat, all is well, Maiana works well and Seatalk 1 too. I'm having a problem with the Nasa Clipper windvane connected to ttyAMA2, the led is blinking but neither SignalK nor OpenCpn can read the nmea strings?
I tried in Signal K
Validate Checksum no
Append Checksum yes
Remove NULL characters yes
It doesn't work
I analyzed the received frames with a Python code on ttyAWA2 so through the McArthur on uart, it looks like this.
See attached files
There was a follow-up at Signal K level in 2020.
Thomas-GeDaD modified index,js of Signal K and it should work but it doesn't, Signal k doesn't connect on ttyAWA2
Can anyone help me?
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