I have two RPi version 4's with 8 gig memory. One is installed on my boat using OpenPlotter version 3. The other I have hear at home as a backup and for testing. I upgraded the home pi to OpenPlotter version 4 and I thought I installed all the pypilot updates but will try that again.
In the meantime, I did manage to get my SeaTalk autohelm remote control mostly working in OpenPlotter version 3. I say mostly because there seems to be some weird buffering issue where the code being processed is one button push behind. For example, I push -1 and the command does not come through. I push it a second time and the command does come through. I then push -10, and the -1 command comes through. When I push -10 a second time, then I get the -10 command and so it goes where everything is one button push behind.
To make this work, I edited the index.js file for seatalk and then added the following program as 0x86.js in the seatalk directory (since /usr/local/bin/pypilot_client does not exist in version 4 this only works in 3).
* Copyright 2024 Signal K <info@signalk.org> and contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict'
const utils = require('@signalk/nmea0183-utilities')
86 11 XX YY Raymarine Autohelm Wired Remote Control
-1 = 86 11 05 fa
-10 = 86 11 06 f9
+1 = 86 11 07 f8
+10 = 86 11 08 f7
tack port = 86 11 21 de
tack stbd = 86 11 22 dd
module.exports = function (input) {
const { id, sentence, parts, tags } = input
if (parts.length != 4) {
return null
var auto = parseInt(parts[1], 16)
var a1 = parseInt(parts[2], 16)
var a2 = parseInt(parts[3], 16)
var pathValues = []
if (auto != 0x11) {
return null
var exec = require('child_process').exec
const execSync = require('child_process').execSync
var apheading = execSync('/usr/local/bin/pypilot_client ap.heading_command')
const ahresult = '' + apheading
var end = ahresult.length
var start = -1
start = ahresult.indexOf('=')
if (start > 0) {
start = start + 2
var oldheading = ahresult.substring(start,end)
var newheading = Number(oldheading)
if (a1 == 0x05 && a2 == 0xfa) {
if (a1 == 0x06 && a2 == 0xf9) {
newheading = newheading -10
if (a1 == 0x07 && a2 == 0xf8) {
if (a1 == 0x08 && a2 == 0xf7) {
newheading = newheading + 10
if (a1 == 0x21 && a2 == 0xde) {
newheading = newheading - 110
if (a1 == 0x22 && a2 == 0xdd) {
newheading = newheading + 110
if (newheading > 359) {
newheading = newheading - 360
if (newheading < 0) {
newheading = newheading + 360
var nhstring = '/usr/local/bin/pypilot_client ap.heading_command='
nhstring = nhstring + newheading
path: 'steering/autopilot/target/headingTrue',
value: utils.transform(utils.float(newheading),'deg', 'rad'),
return {
updates: [
source: tags.source,
timestamp: tags.timestamp,
values: pathValues,