(2025-01-30, 10:49 AM)baltika_no_9 Wrote: Ah OK, no problem.
Are you sure you're not getting confused with the Serial app which does have a connections tab? I've just looked at I2C version 3.4.2 and there isn't one there either.
Anyway I think that is a red herring.
What happens when you press the OK button on the Edit ADS1115-A0 panel in your original screenshot?
What should happen (and did until OPpv4 was that the A0 line (top one of the four in the I2C 4.2.0 panel) should turn yellow. You then see the data in signal K.
What happens in OPV4 is that all the lines in the I2C panel (A0-A3) are wiped out, however the data is still available in signal K.
This is a thread https://forum.openmarine.net/showthread....ht=ads1115 which I can see you have contributed to.
If that isn't your problem then it would help if you could describe it more fully, forgetting the "connections" tab thing.
Hey baltika_no_9 thanks for feedback and questions..
When I click OK, I2C goes blank (nothing red, yellow or green) but the instrument panel shows the wind as expected and SKs show the I2C present as read/write in devices.
The problem comes next time I reboot, it’s not there any more so will be a bit of a pain adding it every time it looses power or . I read on another thread in the bug report with title “editing I2C value clears all sensors”, that when adding the ADS1115 it seems to wipe other I2C sensors.
Love to know what I’m doing wrong, because this comment by another member has urged me to go down another path but stalling on this. This method is using ESP32 Arduino (a Lilygo T3 Lora) sending the data over wifi using websockets but although the arduino reads the sensor and display this as a print out, I’m struggling to get SK to accept the JSON script, token or something else none of which I am even past novice in.
I have time as the boat is on dry land and can always just put up the wind sensor (a Davis vane and anemometer) then play later.
Here’s what I’m using and have wind and temperature working on RPI zero W but outside of SK to check they’re working:
- RPi4
- ST2000 autotiller
- Davis Instrument wind vane/anemometer
>>>ADC to read vane
- DHT11 temperature & humidity sensor
- L298N motor controller
- GPS module
- MPU 9255 Gyro