Posts: 14
Threads: 3
Joined: Sep 2021
Hi there! I am a very happy user of KIP for a year now and tine has come to start creating new pages woth sensor to be displayed. I was not able to find how to insert a new page between two already created. Is it possible or the only way is to add at the end? how to reorder them then?
Thanks in advance
Posts: 21
Threads: 7
Joined: Jan 2021
Think I found a bug in how Kip displays charge data.
I have a node-red setup to monitor my batteries, and one key metric I monitor is the total amp hours reported by all 6 of my lithium batteries. Node red sums these all up, and sends them to the SignalK delta with the meta set to {"units": "Ah"}. When I try to monitor this metric in Kip, the radial dial shows C (coulomb) in the center, and the correct number of Amp Hours, but if I change the Display format in the radial dial settings to show Ampere Hours instead, the dial is at 0, but it shows Ah in the center (if I change decimal places from 0 to 2 in the settings it shows 0.32, when it should be showing 1140Ah (1248Ah total capacity in my bank) .