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@mxtommy KIP instrument display webapp for Signalk
(2018-03-29, 06:22 PM)mxtommy Wrote:
(2018-03-29, 04:00 PM)noworries Wrote: I got my gauges all dialed in, and then I changed the IP address of my pi and lost it all.  What's the preferred way to save your setup once you're done?

Can somebody point me in the right direction on how to update KIP?  The Signal K server doesn't show any updates available, but it's 0.1.6 and it looks like the current release is 0.4


Currently Kip's config is stored in your browsers LocalStorage, which is tied to the domain(or ip) of the webpage serving kip. It's not the most ideal, but short of some server-side functionally (kip currently is client-side only webapp) there's nowhere else to store it. That said if you go into the settings, there is a config tab that shows json. You can copy that json, and paste it into the same page on a new instance of Kip, and it will load the settings (including the old server URL, so update that if it changed)

As for updating, the actual released version is still 0.1.6. the 0.2/3/4 stuff is my (ever changing) roadmap. I'm hoping to release a 0.1.7 sometime this weekend or next week, which should hit a few of the features I want for 0.2, as well as has a bunch of refactoring under the hood to make things easier for me going forward.

If anyone has suggestions for the config storage, feel free to suggest Smile


Thanks for explanation... I put it in my host file so I could reference it by name, I figured that would work the next time I changed openplotter's address.   I will cut & paste the json
In case anyone is interested, just pushed a new version Smile Note, Any configs stored in browser from older versions will be lost as config format has changed.

Mainly a refactor of a bunch of stuff that you don't see, but was really needed. A couple new features though Smile
From Change log:

* Performance gain in Numeric widget in large fonts
* Sailgauge updates (laylines, windsectors, general refactor)
* Simplified source selection in the code
* Removed Derived Data (should use server plugin)
* Added Percentage unit, and stopped showing "no unit" on numeric
* Updated Angular from v4 to v5 and also all dependencies to latest version (so many changes)
* Complete re-write of widget settings modal for future ease of coding
* Complete re-write of unit conversion service. Now if server metadata specifies unit, it only offers you compatible units
* Gauge Background and frame color options! (and also centered!)
* new Signal K Theme

Not promising it's bug-free. If you spot any feel free to open an issue on github! Smile
Numeric display, percentage isn't working for me. gives -- when configured as percentage - the no unit value is .5 (humidity)

When I switch from to my localhost:3000 it tends to lock up when running on the local pi and try to configure something. For example, I want to get rid of the Turned background of the speed gauge in the demo configuration - I click the gear to do that and it hangs. Eventually I'm prompted whether I want to kill or wait. I've tried clearing cache to no avail. (CPU ~ 41%)

From my Android phone it works better - saw a similar failure then refreshed and it worked ok after that.

(I did just change back to a pi 3b from a 2b concurrent with upgrading KIP, fwiw).
I have have just installed Openploter on my Pi3.  I am trying to get KIP to display real data as opposed to demo.  As I am working at home without the Pi connected to the boat data, I have just picked an arbitrary point in Opencpn and selected goto.  I can now see a bearing and range on the status bar.

I then went to KIP and changed the source in the Settings to http://localhost:3000.
when I update/reset I get 3 green ticks

Server: signalk-server-node Ver: 1.7.0Websocket 
Status: ConnectedHTTP REST Status: HTTP 200: OK

I used Openplotter to restart the K server.  I also rebooted.
As expected the values in the Dashboard are now null as I have no data for them.

When I try to edit the display values in KIP ( to select Range or Bearing) I just have red lines either side of Path and Source.
The dropdowns are blank.

I feel I am missing something small in the configuration.
Any suggestions as to what I can try next?
What I've been told is one has to configure OpenCPN and Openplotter to get that range/bearing info out of OpenCPN and into NMEA. By default data only flows from Openplotter to OpenCPN.

I've not succeeded yet.
Thanks.  I'll explore that suggestion.

I have gone into the signal k plugin configuration on the web interface and ticked Signal K to generate NMEA sentences.
This had had no effect on the problem
The documentation for Openplotter1.x.x  doesn't seem to cover the issue and the old documentation has different options.

It seems that all changes should be made in the Openplotter config as opposed in opencpn.

Maybe someone who has got it going could let us know how it is done?
(2018-02-03, 07:48 PM)Saqqara Wrote: J'ai mentionné cette application dans quelques fils, mais je pense que c'est excitant et que personne n'en parle beaucoup.

Vous pouvez l'installer à partir du navigateur dans Openplotter: allez à localhost: 3000 puis sur App Store et il est le premier à être répertorié lorsque vous faites défiler les applications Web.

[Image: cae1957675c09088d989d37614a8d178.jpg]

Cela fait quelque temps que l’OMI est l’élément manquant le plus important dans Openplotter: un affichage de données d’instruments open source vraiment attrayant, pour une consommation sur un écran connecté au pi ou dans un navigateur sur n’importe quel appareil embarqué ou ailleurs dans le monde.

Envoyé de mon Moto G (5) Plus via Tapatalk

bonjour j'ai acheter trois vieux kobo aura aura h2o un et je veux avoir votre tableau de bord en wifi pensez-vous que c'est possible je le teste quand je reçois le kobo beaucoup de bidouilles sont possibles je ne suis pas bon avec la programmation peut vous aider moi si je ne gagne pas

(2018-02-04, 06:18 AM)Tigresse Wrote: I a également recherché un substitut OP à un coûteux afficheur multifonctions B & G / Raymarine i70s / Garmin GMI20 / Furuno F170 4 "ou 5". En fait, je recherchais un écran tactile 4 "-5" avec cadre qui s'adapte à cette empreinte. Quelqu'un a-t-il des idées pour SW ou HW qui pourraient convenir?   look this for the fly
j’achète trois kobo différents à l’essai si c’est bon, c’est intéressant de faire le chemin pour tout le monde
use the browser go to openplotter ip example..
it should work..
yes i try to test i take the result think you
(2018-02-05, 09:08 PM)Sailoog Wrote: WOW, merci Saqqara, je ne le savais pas.

Cela devrait être activé par défaut sur la prochaine version de l'OP !!!

Affinite, mettez juste http: // localhost: 3000

bonjour je veux voir mes données gps sur kip je comprends faire des fenêtres mais je ne comprends pas ce que je fais pour voir les données je vois le gps sur opencpn mais je ne vois pas sur le tableau de bord kip et je ne vois pas le tutoriel pour expliquer cela Je pense que s’il est possible de m’expliquer dans la config widjet, la source est en rouge et numérique afin de penser que vous passez une bonne journée.

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