
Full Version: Some schematic questions
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I am still having some challenges with the use of switches to control TinyPilot. I am using simple momentary switches off on off.
I have them wired from ex:pin 11 (gpio17 I believe this is to activate AP) to switch terminal, then from the opposite switch terminal I have a 2,4k resistor and then to ground.
Is this correct?
(2020-11-10, 06:14 PM)rastam4n Wrote: [ -> ]I am still having some challenges with the use of switches to control TinyPilot. I am using simple momentary switches off on off.
I have them wired from ex:pin 11 (gpio17 I believe this is to activate AP) to switch terminal, then from the opposite switch terminal I have a 2,4k resistor and then to ground.
Is this correct?
I have it like that, without resistor. I assume the internal resistor is activated. A short grounding of the gpio17 activates/deactivates the AP.
If you running TP 0.2xx also check also the configuration in the webapp as there you can change the pins function !!!
Save sailing to all
there is an internal pull-up resistor in the pi itself

The 2.4k resistor to gnd is to help protect the raspberry in case the port is mis configured to output by mistake

Are you sure it does not work? Your wiring seems correct
Thanks Sean and Xfactor

I was able to get the menu button to work and the power button to back out of the menus to work so far. I am still not able to activate AP but I wonder if it is simply not allowing AP to be activated because I have not yet attached a motor controller to my test setup?

I will check the configuration in the webapp to be sure it is configured correctly...
without a motor controller you can't tell because the lcd will display the "no motor controller" message instead of indicating if it is activated.
(2020-10-06, 07:04 AM)seandepagnier Wrote: [ -> ]there are multiple possible options for driving the buzzer.   I prefer the arduino because it can drive both pins high and low and give full duplex output which gives a louder beep

Good afternoon.
I have connected buzzer on GUIO 12 (32 pin).
But the bizzer does not make sounds.
When should he squeak?
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