
Full Version: TV remote on OpenPlotter
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I managed to install lirc on Debian Buster and make it recognize my TV remote control using irrecord.
I can make it execute linux command lines by defining them in .irrexec.
Has anyone managed to send IR orders to pypilot on OpenPlotter, as it is quite possible to do on tinypilot?
the tinypilot .lircrc file is made as follows for example for the left button:

    button = KEY_LEFT

    prog = pypilot

    config = left


but this does not work in OpenPlotter
Thanks to the one who will have a lead

sorry to hyjack.... I use tinypilot and have a remote I would like to use for changing heading. Based on the code you posted it seems like you can teach Tiny Pilot a remote code? Can you point me in the direction where I could learn to do that?
Hello rastam4n,

Follow this link:
It's possible but this method is agonizing. In the future there will be an option to run the IR sensor to a separate microprocessor and this supports programming remotes from the web.
(2020-05-03, 04:49 AM)seandepagnier Wrote: [ -> ]It's possible but this method is agonizing.  In the future there will be an option to run the IR sensor to a separate microprocessor and this supports programming remotes from the web.

Thank you Sean for your answer, so I will wait and wait for the evolution of your magnificent project
