Hello Sean, thank you for answering me so quickly.
This is my hardware configuration:
Raspi 4 B with 8 GB of Ram with HDMI screen, and with keyboard and mouse on powered USB hub.
An Arduino Nano powered by Rasp's 3.3v pin, Rx and TX connected to Rasp with 1.2K resistor, pins 2,3 and 9,10 connected to LEDs for control, pin 6 to ground with resistor 1.2K, as well as the pins (1 to 7) not used
An MPU 9250, powered by a 5v pin from the Rasp and connected by SDA and SCL.
This all seems to work, except that the calibration seems to be lost every time I turn the system off.
I made control tests with a contactor connected to ground by a 2.4K resistor, and to the recommended pins without success.
I would have liked to be able to order the pilot with a wired keyboard, but it seems to me that this is not possible with Openplotter, all the testimonials that I have read were made with TinyPilot.
However, it would be better for me to have a wired control for several reasons:
First, a control located at the entrance to the boat would be accessible to me from the chart table and from outside, near the winches used for tacking. This is where the my Autohelm control is located, and it suits me just fine.
Then, I wouldn't want to add layers of electronics and wireless communications that I have very little control over and which are liable to break down for multiple reasons.
Finally, I must admit, I'm not very young anymore, I was born in 1951, and I have a little trouble with new communication technologies, especially smartphones, I must have fingers that are a little too big! However, I have professionally installed and managed a web server for a SIGB (PMB) under Ubuntu with Apache, and although I've forgotten everything since then, I'm not totally averse to Linux.
To properly situate my needs, I want to use Raspi 4 for navigation with OpenCpn AND the Pypilot function, without adding any other hardware installation. I want to replace my old ThinkPad and my Autohelm ST3000 with a Rasp, which from what I have been able to assess so far is much more efficient, but without complicating the installation.
I've read a lot since my first post, and I think there may be a solution to my problem in this topic, but I don't have the skills to take advantage of it:
https://github.com /marcobergman/pypilot_conversion/blob/main/README.md
Sorry for this somewhat long post, but I think we save time by exposing the entire problem from the beginning.