
Full Version: Install and setup external IMU
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I bought the IMU BMX055 9DOF like this one (
Soldered the pins and installed it on the MacArthur HAT:


But it seems PyPilot won't recognise it:


Am I missing something? Or the IMU is faulty?

I had similar issue with cheap and cheerful IMUs. I just sent back 2 different types (to Amazon UK) that were not working. I suggest you buy from a reputable source.

See this thread:

Good luck,
I am afraid that IMU is not supported, it is in the list but experimental. This is the list of supported IMUs but only the MPU-9250, MPU-9255 and ICM-20948 (not in the list) are optimized for pypilot. I strongly recommend the ICM-20948.
  • InvenSense MPU-9150 single chip IMU.
  • InvenSense MPU-6050 plus HMC5883 magnetometer on MPU-6050's aux bus (handled by the MPU-9150 driver).
  • InvenSense MPU-6050 gyros + acclerometers. Treated as MPU-9150 without magnetometers.
  • InvenSense MPU-9250 single chip IMU (I2C and SPI).
  • InvenSense MPU-9255 single chip IMU (I2C and SPI).
  • STM LSM9DS0 single chip IMU.
  • STM LSM9DS1 single chip IMU.
  • L3GD20H + LSM303D (optionally with the LPS25H) as used on the Pololu AltIMU-10 v4.
  • STM LSM6DS33 + LIS3MDL (optionally with the LPS25H) as used on the Pololu MinIMU-9 v5 and AltIMU-10 v5.
  • L3GD20 + LSM303DLHC as used on the Adafruit 9-dof (older version with GD20 gyro) IMU.
  • L3GD20H + LSM303DLHC (optionally with BMP180) as used on the new Adafruit 10-dof IMU.
  • Bosch BMX055 (although magnetometer support is experimental currently).
  • Bosch BNO055 IMU with onchip fusion. Note: will not work reliably with RaspberryPi/Pi2 due to clock-stretching issues.

I will also add this to the manual, sorry.

If you want to force the BMX055 detection I think there is a way but I need to check my notes.
Ok, I will buy an ICM-20948, but could you help me find one?

I found somes but they have a diferent layout that don't match the socket in MacArthur's HAT, like these:

BTW, meannwhile I found a 6050 laying around, which works fine, but i would like to have the best option for this """"final""" setup.
I am using this one for development:
Hi all, I have this IMU Pololu MinIMU-9 v5 from the list after failing to connect a MPU 92/65 IMU I bought through Amazon, but it doesn't neither work, it seems not be recognized by I2C neither by Pypilot....what I am doing wrong?
(2023-06-01, 11:46 AM)vandiver Wrote: [ -> ]Hi all, I have this IMU Pololu MinIMU-9 v5  from the list after failing to connect a MPU 92/65 IMU I bought through Amazon, but it doesn't neither work, it seems not be recognized by I2C neither by Pypilot....what I am doing wrong?

Use only ICM-20948 (recommended), MPU-9250 or MPU-9255.
Will do, thanks, it is on the way, hope I get it finally to work…