How do I...?
- BME688 Pressure, temp, works, but not humidity and gas sensor (1 Reply)
- Powerdown with MacArthur HAT and Raspberry OS (2 Replies)
- IMU not detected buy pypilot (2 Replies)
- CAN Bus app not allowing signalk connection to be added (21 Replies)
- Can NMEA 0183 v1.x / RS232 (NASA Wind) device interface with MacArthur Hat (13 Replies)
- Maiana connection (52 Replies)
- 1Wire temp sensor not detected / GPIO disabled (11 Replies)
- m2 hat for ssd usable? (2 Replies)
- Seatalk 1 in SignalK using MacArthur HAT on pi 4B (6 Replies)
- Issue with HAT + pi4 (3 Replies)
- Experience with light pipe? (3 Replies)
- Seatalk 1 on Raspi 3 (2 Replies)
- Maiana status monitoring? (6 Replies)
- PyPilot usb Ardnino configuration (2 Replies)
- N2K/SeaTalk powered when Pi isn’t (6 Replies)
- BME688 over i2c qwiic (3 Replies)
- Can bus/NMEA 2000 (22 Replies)
- nmea to / from RT550-AIS (3 Replies)
- NMEA Input Help (4 Replies)
- MAIANA invalid checksums, shifted date ... (2 Replies)