
Full Version: Taskbar gone
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Hi All,

I updated my task bar (through the GUI application), and all I set it to was medium size.  But anyway it promptly vanished....

We I have done some digging and it transpires that there is no longer a 'panel' file in ../LXDE-pi/panels

Given that I have not changed any of the start menu items, could anyone furnish me with the file/s that are in;


Or point me to somewhere, they may be for the current OpenPlotter build.

I would really rather not have to go through the hassle of a fresh re-build as I have OpenCPN all setup with downloads charts and everything.

Kind regards

If you are using openplotter 0.8.0 that was an old raspbian bug.
Openplotter do not modify anything from the original so I am afraid this is a raspbian bug.