Bug Reports
Important Threads
- [READ ME] Reporting bugs (0 Replies)
- editing ic2 value clears all sensors (6 Replies)
- [CLOSED] Maiana 4.1.0-stable com setup Signal K (4 Replies)
- OpenCPN o-charts plugin install failed (5 Replies)
- Influxdb logging intervals (3 Replies)
- Tests with PI5 and MacArthur. NMEA2000 - GPS (1 Reply)
- Seatalk detection fail pattern (7 Replies)
- Raspberry Pi5 headless grahics trix (1 Reply)
- Can't install Grafana plugins (0 Replies)
- Opencpn won't memorize fonts attributes (e.g. bold) in console title and values (1 Reply)
- Serial device not added correctly (79 Replies)
- [CLOSED] Pixel errors in windows on Raspberry Pi5 (2 Replies)
- Won't Stay Logged into SK (1 Reply)
- Very Minor "bug" in OP4 beta Dashboard (4 Replies)
- Handshake status 401 Unauthorized (7 Replies)
- OP4 SignalK unable to sign token (2 Replies)
- OP4 Chromium non starting issue. (0 Replies)
- [CLOSED] OP3 64-bits: Errors running SignalK updates (6 Replies)
- [CLOSED] USB serial devices disconnections in OP3 on RPI3B+ (1 Reply)
- bug in openplotter network wlan settings? (2 Replies)
- OpenCPN installer borked (2 Replies)