
Full Version: Sailor HAT with MacArthur HAT
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Has anyone tried using the Sailor HAT power board alongside MacArthur HAT? I'm keen to retain it as the super capacitor setup is great and it happily powers my 15" touch screen. The Sailor HAT uses GPIO2 and GPIO3 (using I2C addresses 0x6d and 0x51) - looking at the MacArthur HAT documentation these pins are used by MacArthur HAT but can simultaneously be used by other boards, so I'm thinking this will be ok.

It would allow me to combine N2K / NMEA 0183 Waveshare HAT / NMEA 0183 USB dongle all into one HAT which would be great!

(2024-04-01, 06:03 PM)fjj Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

Has anyone tried using the Sailor HAT power board alongside MacArthur HAT? I'm keen to retain it as the super capacitor setup is great and it happily powers my 15" touch screen. The Sailor HAT uses GPIO2 and GPIO3 (using I2C addresses 0x6d and 0x51) - looking at the MacArthur HAT documentation these pins are used by MacArthur HAT but can simultaneously be used by other boards, so I'm thinking this will be ok.

It would allow me to combine N2K / NMEA 0183 Waveshare HAT / NMEA 0183 USB dongle all into one HAT which would be great!


Many thanks, I would be very interested in that too.
I'm not familiar with the Sailor HAT, but from a quick glance at its documentation, I think it should be compatible with the MacArthur HAT. Of course, don't use the power module on the MacArthur HAT when using the Sailor HAT.
I gave it a try and all seems good so far. I’ve got a Pi CM4 with a Waveshare baseboard, running from an SSD. MacArthur HAT, Sailor HAT, and a GPS HAT. I’m not using the power module on the MacArthur HAT. 

Onboard, comms with NMEA2K were good (AIS transponder, and VHF) and NMEA0183 Rx from my wind instrument was also good. I tried Seatalk Rx and it was also working (I’m on Bullseye on my ‘production’ Pi). Comms with my cockpit plotter and data display were all good too.