
Full Version: Functional difference depending on how IMU is connected?
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Assuming they are both connected properly, would there be  a functional difference between an ICM20948 IMU connected directly to the MacArthur HAT on the IMU pads, and one connected to the I2C port with a quality short cable?
The IMU header and QWIIC connector both expose the same I2C bus. So, no functional difference whether you use one or the other.
(2024-04-17, 04:58 AM)Adrian Wrote: [ -> ]The IMU header and QWIIC connector both expose the same I2C bus. So, no functional difference whether you use one or the other.

I decided to mount mine separate from the MacArthur hat just for ease of calibrating.
(2024-04-17, 06:16 AM)Lazzz Wrote: [ -> ]
(2024-04-17, 04:58 AM)Adrian Wrote: [ -> ]The IMU header and QWIIC connector both expose the same I2C bus. So, no functional difference whether you use one or the other.

I decided to mount mine separate from the MacArthur hat just for ease of calibrating.

Exactly my thought as well - thanks for confirming.