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i dont know if its a bug or just me ..but i can log on rdt through duckdns and localhost to the pi  nodered and ui both work in browser..
but when i open chromium on the pi and search anything it returns error name resolution was working fine ??? i can ping from pi no loss.
so i am guessing something wrong with dns
latest build pi3, headless connected to router with ethernet wired.wireless bridged used for esp8266 to mqtt.

well thats weird i disabled wireless in op and it connected to lan wired and would connect to internet, then enabled wireless again and its working..
the wired lan was not getting dns service for some reason.. it would not open web pages or update. it was like wirless had priority over wired maybe?
i did not bridge the connections this time..

still having problem with internet on pi. i can connect remotely and locally .
i can reach the pi rdt from "not real address" and get the ports for node red and its UI.
but on the pi it has dns updates or browsing from the pi..
with ap disabled no internet wired

missing AP! or driver is not nl80211
up network: wlan0
dnsmasq (dhcp-server): stopped
hostapd (AP): stopped
networking: started