Switching OP3 to headless - Printable Version

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Switching OP3 to headless - SailCS33 - 2023-12-06

Hi everyone, I just wiped my old openplotter 2 and installed openplotter 3. All works great but I cannot find the config button anymore where I would switch it to headless. I had monitor connected to pi4 during setup but once on the boat I will not have a screen. Could someone please tell me how to switch it to headless?

Thank you.

RE: Switching OP3 to headless - baltika_no_9 - 2023-12-06

I am puzzled as to why you have Openplotter running on a boat with no screen. How do you display charts etc? What do you expect Openplotter to do for you if you have no display?

RE: Switching OP3 to headless - SailCS33 - 2023-12-06

(2023-12-06, 07:48 PM)baltika_no_9 Wrote: I am puzzled as to why you have Openplotter running on a boat with no screen. How do you display charts etc? What do you expect Openplotter to do for you if you have no display?

I connect to signal-K server through the wifi from a tablet.

RE: Switching OP3 to headless - baltika_no_9 - 2023-12-06

Ah so you do have a screen. To drive the pi (if that's what you're using) natively the you can enable VNC on the pi and install VNC connect on the tablet. Otherwise if your tablet is already set up to receive signalk data from Openplotter then OpenCPN should be able to see and display that data. If you had a working set up in OPv2 I am surprised it doesn't just work with v3.

Do you have OpenCPN on the tablet?

RE: Switching OP3 to headless - SailCS33 - 2023-12-06

(2023-12-06, 07:57 PM)baltika_no_9 Wrote: Ah so you do have a screen. To drive the pi (if that's what you're using) natively the you can enable VNC on the pi and install VNC connect on the tablet. Otherwise if your tablet is already set up to receive signalk data from Openplotter then OpenCPN should be able to see and display that data. If you had a working set up in OPv2 I am surprised it doesn't just work with v3.

Do you have OpenCPN on the tablet?

Now I am very confused....I have pi4 with PICAN-M hat interface. I dont use OpenCPN charts at all. PICAN hat was configured as MCP2515 device. I also had SK server with dashboard to display the data. I used to access SK data from an android tablet using

Am I using openplotter incorrect?

I just thought that since I dont need the "desktop" i would turn it off to free up the resources. Should I not do that?

RE: Switching OP3 to headless - baltika_no_9 - 2023-12-06

Let me try to unravel this.

"Desktop" isn't really something that you need to turn off so don't worry about that.

A few questions:

Are you trying to connect your tablet to the pi via the latter's AP?
If so have you set up the AP credentials on the pi and in the tablet?
Where do you get the address from?

RE: Switching OP3 to headless - SailCS33 - 2023-12-06

(2023-12-06, 08:45 PM)baltika_no_9 Wrote: Let me try to unravel this.

"Desktop" isn't really something that you need to turn off so don't worry about that.

A few questions:

Are you trying to connect your tablet to the pi via the latter's AP?
If so have you set up the AP credentials on the pi and in the tablet?
Where do you get the address from?

pi is setup as access point (on board). ntf filter is off.
yes, wifi connects just fine.
The address is actually (sorry for the wrong IP before). This address is defined in the Network Preferences for wlan. I dont recall setting it myself.

RE: Switching OP3 to headless - baltika_no_9 - 2023-12-07

You are correct that the address is set by default.

What happens if you type into your browser on the tablet? Your post #5 mentions this but doesn't say what happens when you try.

RE: Switching OP3 to headless - SailCS33 - 2023-12-07

When I go the URL i get SK page with login, etc. No issues there as far as I can tell.
My original question was about possibly leaving the CLI only and turning off xorg/X server to free up limited resources on the pi4. Along with this lxpanel (my guess is something used by VNC) uses about 3% of the memory.

Again, i am not solving any specific problem. Just trying to maximize limited pi resources for the services i need.

RE: Switching OP3 to headless - baltika_no_9 - 2023-12-07

I'm sorry! I have misunderstood what you're looking for. It seems you just want to disable the GUI interface? That is quite different from headless, even a headless build has the GUI enabled so that remote access is possible via VNC etc.

OK if you run sudo raspi-config>1 System Options>S5 Boot / Autologin>B2 Console autologin>OK then reboot is should start without the GUI interface.