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2023 beta image
I will look into signalk in the next few days. Sorry for the delay.
I pushed a change that hopefully fixes the signalk access request. It is strange but seems that if a token expires and a particular client requests access again the signalk server just replies "completed" It may actually be a bug on the signalk server but at least now pypilot will change the uid and request access again.
I have now "Tinypilot_beta_2024_03_09" installed on Raspberry pi Zero 2 W and Open Plotter on Raspberry pi 4B. Connection to "Pypilot" plugin in OpenCPN works fine. But i miss connection to signalK and dit not get any wind data to "Tinypilot".
I have attached configuration in OpenCPN.

Get following message in pypilot log:
2024-02-11_14:24:57.47875 signalk error requesting access Expected object or value
2024-02-11_14:24:58.05519 signalk zeroconf service add openplotter._http._tcp.local. _http._tcp.local.
2024-02-11_14:24:58.91721 signalk server found

I dont get any "Access Requests" in SignalK.
All this works fine with the previouse versions of Tinypilot images, but with them my jlx12864 display dont work. 
Could you try:

and post the log. It should give better debugging information even though I could not find the exact error.
I try with Your new version, and attached here is log file.

.txt   beta_2024_03_12_pypilot.txt (Size: 4.68 KB / Downloads: 23)

Then thinking about Your question about "bug" in SignalK and rember that i have some old images for RPi4B (Openplotter).
So i tested with this older version "Openplotter" and it works Smile with the beta version of Tinypilot.

In my new version it is SignalK v.2.6.1  (No connection from beta tinypilot)
In my old version it is SignalK v.1.46.3 (Access request and then connection to/from beta tinypilot)
Hello Sean,
I have installed your very last version. It's working fine, the connection with my Raspi 3B by SignalK is OK, but I am still running an old version after numerous attempt to update SignalK to v.2.6.1 leading OpenPlotter to crash.
Thanks a lot for your work on the french version. All is good now.
A little issue for me, I don't succeed to reinstall the wired link by eth0 with OpenPlotter that I get correctly with the version 0.49. I will dig a little bit more to understand, that's probably a mistake on my side.
Oh, you are wiring ethernet into tinypilot?? This is not officially supported (yet) but I could certainly get to it.

Once I switch over to tinycore 13, it would make more sense at this supports pi 4/5 and zero 2 etc.

I will look into the more recent signalk server, it seems that must be the issue, thanks for clarifying the version.
Thanks for your reply. Finally I succeed to connect eth0. I have made a mistake in my procedure. But with this wired connection SignalK doesn't transfer the data to OpenPlotter. Not a problem for me, I got the data in OpenCPN through TCP on OPCPN and I have suppressed Pypilot on SignalK.
hmm, I wonder if pypilot is not detecting signalk using mdns from the ethernet link for some reason?
Hello Sean, I would need some more help. I was quite sure to have solved the question of connection by eth0. My solution, elaborated with the help of Stelian, was as following:
- load the file net-usb-4.9.22-picore.tcz on
- paste net-usb-4.9.22-picore.tcz in the folder /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/
- create the file "onboot.lst" dans /mnt/mmcblk0p/optional/ :
cd /mnt/mmcblk0p2/optional/
sudo touch onboot.lst
- edit onboot.lst:
sudo nano onboot.lst
- add the following line:
ctrl o, ctrl x, -b
- execute:
tce-load -i net-usb-KERNEL.tcz
- edit to configure eth0 connection:
sudo nano /opt/
- insert the following sentence after networking start, line 137
ifconfig eth0 up
ctrl o, ctrl x, -b

That was working fine with the previous versions but I don't succeed with this last one. The command ifconfig -a show that eth0 is not there. I succeed to activate eth0 after launching of Tinypilot entering manually the following command with the console :
tce-load -i net-usb-KERNEL.tcz
ifconfig eth0 up

I have make some other trials, insert tce-load -i net-usb-KERNEL.tcz before ifconfig eth0 up in, place these commands at the end of the file, add sleep 8 between both but no change.

To summarize I need the way to obtain automatically during the launching the result given by my manual action.

Concerning SignalK behavior is correct if I give the same IP to wlan0 and eth0. By this way, the access is granted to this IP and the link is maintained once I disable the wifi.

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