Just woke up to the same issue, only a few versions later.
Everything worked as expected last summer (in fact it exceeded my expectations!), being the first season with the new system. Now in February I brought the nav-computer home to do some proper updates of system, charts etc. for the coming season.
After installing the latest OENC-charts and a
sudo apt-get update with the following
...upgrade I was stuck after restarting the system.
When OP autostarts it gives me the missing source error. OpenCPN lights up alright but I am not satisfied with the missing source.
When I check OP Settings I see that my current versions are old and that I seem to have the wrong source (pls see
Update Candidates response below).
I've tried to click
add sources +
update candidates several times with no change.
I've also tried to change the repositories in apt with the GUI-tool in my Debian installation (I run Debian 10 LTS
Buster on a "vehicle PC", i.e. not RPi). Tried
as + uc and restarting (after changing repositories) in different combinations with no change.
I guess I am not getting my repos changed the correct way... please help!
Update Candidates response:
Quote:Settings 2.0.27-stable missing source: https://dl.cloudsmith.io/...
Documentation 2.0.5-dev missing ...
OpenCPN Installer 2.0.11-stable missing ...