I'm trying to send data such as GPS from OpenPlotter to Tinypilot, but I'm having trouble.
Configuration :
- Raspberry Pi 4 with OpenPlotter
- SignalK server with mdns option enabled
- GPS (Neo-6M) connected via UART5 => data arrives in Signal K
- OpenCPN with Pypilot plugin => the plugin shows "Connected to pypilot"
- Raspberry Pi Zero > with Tinypilot / Pypilot version 0.32 (tinypilot_2021_11_16 image)
Tinypilot is connected as a client to OpenPlotter AccessPoint.
NB : At the moment, I am at home, without pypilot hat or motor controller.
I successfully connected Pypilot to SignalK, using the "zero configuration" method.
In the SignalK Data Browser, I can see navigation.headingMagnetic and navigation.attitude from the pypilot source, navigation.position (with correct longitude/latitude) and other informations from the GPS source.
OpenCPN is connected to SignalK (via the SignalK protocol on port 3000) and shows a good GPS reception.
I would like to check if Pypilot can get informations such as GPS location from OpenPlotter. I saw the "gps.source" information in the OpenCPN pypilot plugin, in the Stats window.
==> Is there another way to verify this information (and other verification statuses) ? I don't see it on the "Pypilot control" web page for example.
I read in the workbook that Signal K can only get data from Pypilot, but cannot send data to Pypilot.
==> Is it right ? Or is this information out of date for the version I'm using ?
The "gps.source" of the OpenCPN plugin shows "none", and I can't choose the "gps" autopilot mode. In fact, I just noticed that it rarely and furtively displays "signalk", but most of the time it displays "none".
==> This does'nt seem normal, does it ? What could be the reason?
I've tried sending NMEA0183 data from Signal K to Pypilot, but I can't figure out what the correct configuration is. I tried the following things :
1 - put "openplotter:10110" on "Pypilot control" webpage > Configuration > NMEA Client host:port (no "save" button ?)
2 - on SignalK > Data Connections > Add a NMEA0183 connection :
- Source : TCP client
- Host : pypilot
- Port : 20220
- Output Events : nmea0183,nmea0183out => I didn't really understand the doc about this
3 - on SignalK > Data Connections > Add a NMEA0183 connection :
- Source : TCP server on port 10110
None of them seemed to do anything :
- "gps.source" was still "none"
- I could'n see the network connections between OpenPlotter and Tinypilot on port 10110 or 20220 :
- On Tinypilot :
- On OpenPlotter :
==> What is the correct configuration to send NMEA0183 data from Signal K to Pypilot ?
Thanks for your help !
I'm trying to send data such as GPS from OpenPlotter to Tinypilot, but I'm having trouble.
Configuration :
- Raspberry Pi 4 with OpenPlotter
- SignalK server with mdns option enabled
- GPS (Neo-6M) connected via UART5 => data arrives in Signal K
- OpenCPN with Pypilot plugin => the plugin shows "Connected to pypilot"
- Raspberry Pi Zero > with Tinypilot / Pypilot version 0.32 (tinypilot_2021_11_16 image)
Tinypilot is connected as a client to OpenPlotter AccessPoint.
NB : At the moment, I am at home, without pypilot hat or motor controller.
I successfully connected Pypilot to SignalK, using the "zero configuration" method.
In the SignalK Data Browser, I can see navigation.headingMagnetic and navigation.attitude from the pypilot source, navigation.position (with correct longitude/latitude) and other informations from the GPS source.
OpenCPN is connected to SignalK (via the SignalK protocol on port 3000) and shows a good GPS reception.
I would like to check if Pypilot can get informations such as GPS location from OpenPlotter. I saw the "gps.source" information in the OpenCPN pypilot plugin, in the Stats window.
==> Is there another way to verify this information (and other verification statuses) ? I don't see it on the "Pypilot control" web page for example.
I read in the workbook that Signal K can only get data from Pypilot, but cannot send data to Pypilot.
==> Is it right ? Or is this information out of date for the version I'm using ?
The "gps.source" of the OpenCPN plugin shows "none", and I can't choose the "gps" autopilot mode. In fact, I just noticed that it rarely and furtively displays "signalk", but most of the time it displays "none".
==> This does'nt seem normal, does it ? What could be the reason?
I've tried sending NMEA0183 data from Signal K to Pypilot, but I can't figure out what the correct configuration is. I tried the following things :
1 - put "openplotter:10110" on "Pypilot control" webpage > Configuration > NMEA Client host:port (no "save" button ?)
2 - on SignalK > Data Connections > Add a NMEA0183 connection :
- Source : TCP client
- Host : pypilot
- Port : 20220
- Output Events : nmea0183,nmea0183out => I didn't really understand the doc about this
3 - on SignalK > Data Connections > Add a NMEA0183 connection :
- Source : TCP server on port 10110
None of them seemed to do anything :
- "gps.source" was still "none"
- I could'n see the network connections between OpenPlotter and Tinypilot on port 10110 or 20220 :
- On Tinypilot :
tc@pypilot:~$ netstat -apn | grep -e 3000 -e 20220 -e 10110
netstat: showing only processes with your user ID
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1314/pypilot
tcp 571 0 ESTABLISHED 1315/pypilot
- On OpenPlotter :
pi@openplotter:~ $ netstat -apn | grep -e 20220 -e 10110 -e
(Tous les processus ne peuvent être identifiés, les infos sur les processus
non possédés ne seront pas affichées, vous devez être root pour les voir toutes.)
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 2994/opencpn
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 5540/chromium-brows
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 5540/chromium-brows
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 5540/chromium-brows
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 5540/chromium-brows
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 5540/chromium-brows
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 5540/chromium-brows
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 12652/ssh
tcp6 0 0 :::10110 :::* LISTEN 463/node
tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 463/node
==> What is the correct configuration to send NMEA0183 data from Signal K to Pypilot ?
Thanks for your help !