2020-02-29, 02:57 AM
Rpi 4 openplotter noob updated through the openplotter settings window (the gui's are fantastic!) updated 27/2/20
Moitessier HAT 2 with moitessier_4.19.97_1.5.1_armhf.deb
Items which may be opencpn issues (when looking at the connections in opencpn, and specifically the nema Prefix 3 or 5 letter) some are not selected (I found the heel, pitch and pressure, were not there) I also found 2 or 3 version of the AIS prefix not selected? adding the pitch heel, and pressure brought them through to opencpn but using the simulator from the hat (with correct range in opencpn) i am still missing the AIS data. I am pretty sure the data is in K but Maybe the default openCPN setup is ?
I am not sure we all say this, but THANKS for OPENPLOTTER!!!!! it is very nice even in bata!
One note, I am using a 64G SD I started with gparted,and two partisions one fat32 and one ext4, I did find running the noob, that I now have one 63G partition, hope I did not make the above omissions happen via the over 32G ?
Also on cold boot, finding the temp and press missing but opening the I2C settings window and selecting each then edit and accept (without any changes) all is connected, I also have needed to do this a couple of times for the serial settings? (regarding the hat)?
Hope this provides some help (or maybe questions) during the bata testing Thanks again :
Moitessier HAT 2 with moitessier_4.19.97_1.5.1_armhf.deb
Items which may be opencpn issues (when looking at the connections in opencpn, and specifically the nema Prefix 3 or 5 letter) some are not selected (I found the heel, pitch and pressure, were not there) I also found 2 or 3 version of the AIS prefix not selected? adding the pitch heel, and pressure brought them through to opencpn but using the simulator from the hat (with correct range in opencpn) i am still missing the AIS data. I am pretty sure the data is in K but Maybe the default openCPN setup is ?
I am not sure we all say this, but THANKS for OPENPLOTTER!!!!! it is very nice even in bata!
One note, I am using a 64G SD I started with gparted,and two partisions one fat32 and one ext4, I did find running the noob, that I now have one 63G partition, hope I did not make the above omissions happen via the over 32G ?
Also on cold boot, finding the temp and press missing but opening the I2C settings window and selecting each then edit and accept (without any changes) all is connected, I also have needed to do this a couple of times for the serial settings? (regarding the hat)?
Hope this provides some help (or maybe questions) during the bata testing Thanks again :