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Bluetooth Diesel Heater plugin

I made a plugin for reading data from a Chinese diesel heater which allow Bluetooth connection.
This is the very first version, only for readings.
I intend to transform it in a webapp for full controll but until this will happen, any advice will be very appreciated.
The source code is here:

If someone want to test it, just do the following steps, until I'll publish it to npm. It was tested on RPi 4 and Debian Buster with SignalK v2.6.2

git clone

cd signalk-ble-heater

# Create a link (may require the use of sudo)
npm link

# Change to the Signal K server configuration directory
cd ~/.signalk

# Link your plugin using the name in the package.json file
#(may require the use of sudo)
npm link signalk-ble-heater

For making this, I used info and/or parts of code from:
Many thanks for developers

Thank you,

PS: My controller looks like this:
[Image: 5c809233-1d11-46c6-ab4b-ca0d6d7fef5a.jpg.webp]
- SV Haimana
Cool! I'm just starting my OpenPlotter project and wanted to get basic remote start through the RPi , but this is much better. Subscribed!
I'm glad if help...
I hope I'll be able to make the webapp, too, for proper monitoring and control.
- SV Haimana
(2024-04-13, 11:11 AM)manitu Wrote: Cool! I'm just starting my OpenPlotter project and wanted to get phenq gnc basic remote start through the RPi , but this is much better. Subscribed!

That's very good to know. Do share the outcome with us.

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