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A new version of the Raspberry Pi OS based on Debian Bookworm is published and this means that we have to also publish a new version of OpenPlotter. This time this coincides with a new model, the Raspberry Pi 5, which incorporates important hardware and software changes.

Raspberry OS Bookworm is configured to run the Wayland display server by default, but it is not well integrated yet, so we will ship OpenPlotter 4 running the old X11 display server until the Wayland integration is mature. You can switch between both display servers from the OpenPlotter Settings app at any time.

Raspberry Pi 5 has new GPIO management and that will force us to rewrite some OpenPlotter applications, but we will also make them compatible with Raspberry Pi 4 and 3.

OpenPlotter 4 will only be available for 64-bit.

BLACK means To Do.
RED means in progress.
ORANGE means beta.
GREEN means stable.

  1. OpenPlotter Settings app
  2. OpenPlotter Signal K installer app
  3. OpenPlotter OpenCPN installer app
  4. OpenPlotter Dashboards app
  5. OpenPlotter Serial app
  6. OpenPlotter CAN app
  7. XyGrib
  8. MILESTONE: Release of beta versions for OpenPlotter Starting, OpenPlotter Headless and OpenPlotter Touchscreen
  9. OpenPlotter Notifications app
  10. OpenPlotter MAIANA AIS Transponder app
  11. OpenPlotter AvNav installer app
  12. OpenPlotter Pypilot app
  13. OpenPlotter I2C app
  14. OpenPlotter GPIO app
  15. OpenPlotter SDR VHF app
  16. Documentation
  17. MILESTONE: Release of new beta versions for OpenPlotter Starting, OpenPlotter Headless and OpenPlotter
  18. Complete documentation
  19. Apps translations
  20. MILESTONE: Release of stable versions for OpenPlotter Starting, OpenPlotter Headless and OpenPlotter Touchscreen
  21. Release of OpenPlotter À la Carte. More info.
  22. OpenPlotter IoB app

Withdrawn applications

  1. OpenPlotter Network app: In Raspberry OS Bookworm you can now create access points, VPNs, and more easily using the built in network manager. It makes no sense to keep this application since it was very intrusive and its main function can now be performed by the host system perfectly (Raspberry OS, Debian, Ubuntu...). Just right click in the Wifi icon and see the options. Some extra tools of this app have been migrated to OpenPlotter Settings app. The OpenPlotter 4 Headless image comes with an access point pre-configured.

Known issues
  • OpenCPN does not work under Wayland display server yet.
  • Seatalk1 does not work in Raspberry Pi 5 yet.
  • Backlight for touchscreens does not work in Raspberry Pi 5 yet.



IMPORTANT: Do not change the user and the Hostname when creating the SD with "Raspberry Pi Imager".

Remote access
  • User: pi
  • Password: raspberry
  • Headless hotspot SSID: OpenPlotter
  • Headless hotspot password: 12345678
  • Headless VNC address: openplotter.local
  • Headless SSH: ssh pi@openplotter.local
  • Headless IP:

For MacArthur HAT testers:
Raspberry Pi 5
NMEA 1 in/out: UART2
NMEA 2 in/out: UART4
Raspberry Pi 4
NMEA 1 in/out: UART3
NMEA 2 in/out: UART5 

Please report any issue here indicating your Raspberry model.
Let us know if we can help with some testing Smile
Hi Team, I'm just about to rebuild the entire cockpit of my boat and the nav system and engine display will be based on a Raspberry Pi Running dual monitors. I'd be happy to help with testing if needed. I am an engineer by trade! Thanks
Here we go...

You will find download links for all OpenPlotter 4 beta images in the first post.

Tested on Raspberry 4 and 5, not tested on Raspberry 3, but should work too. The Raspberry 5 is a completely different beast, so a lot of work had to be done to make it work on all Raspberry models. We made it work for X11 and Wayland display servers as well, but OpenCPN does not work on Wayland yet, so X11 is enabled by default. You can easily change display servers from openplotter-settings.

Tested on MacArthur HAT v1.2. Working on MAIANA AIS transponder app now.

Please report any issues here indicating your Raspberry model.

Thanks and happy new year!!
IMPORTANT for MacArthur HAT testers

Raspberry Pi 5

NMEA 1 in/out: UART2
NMEA 2 in/out: UART4

Raspberry Pi 4

NMEA 1 in/out: UART3
NMEA 2 in/out: UART5
Thanks Sailoog! I can only imagine all the hard work that goes into this. Looking forward to having a play tomorrow.
Thanks for the updates - also testing this now.

will the touchscreen edition allow for 2 finger zoom and long press for right click?

(2024-01-02, 12:52 PM)kristoe Wrote: [ -> ]Hi

will the touchscreen edition allow for 2 finger zoom and long press for right click?


long press for right click OK
2 finger zoom, install opencpn from flatpak instead debian backports
(2024-01-02, 12:58 PM)Sailoog Wrote: [ -> ]
(2024-01-02, 12:52 PM)kristoe Wrote: [ -> ]Hi

will the touchscreen edition allow for 2 finger zoom and long press for right click?


long press for right click OK
2 finger zoom, install opencpn from flatpak instead debian backports

Isnt that abit odd to have to do that?
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