General discussion
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- XDR to Signal K delta converter (3 Replies)
- DIY 10" sunlight readable plotter (29 Replies)
- Esp8266 - esp easy (73 Replies)
- OpenPlotter on other OS's (0 Replies)
- There are other char plotters for Openplotter (8 Replies)
- Pi not responding after being up for a couple of days (0 Replies)
- Ubuntu for Raspberry (13 Replies)
- Lost License of OESENC MAPS!!! (6 Replies)
- IMU Based Compass wows (0 Replies)
- Pypilot app don't open anymore (1 Reply)
- Victron makes bluetooth easier (1 Reply)
- YDEG-04 through SignalK and OpenPlotter (1 Reply)
- rpi 4 nmea 0183 via max3232 uart gpio (2 Replies)
- NEED help on configuaration settings (1 Reply)
- New OpenPlotter Notifications app available (2 Replies)
- Sailor Hat for Raspberry Pi (8 Replies)
- Desparate to get RPI 4 to save settings (1 Reply)
- Installation failed on RPI 3B+ (1 Reply)
- Second monitor gone blank? (0 Replies)
- KIP Web display (14 Replies)