General discussion
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- Influx not installing (1 Reply)
- Trouble Connecting to VNC Server on OpenPlotter (1 Reply)
- Has anyone put a second layer of shrink tubing on their Maiana antenna build? (5 Replies)
- Updating OP4 images? (1 Reply)
- Any help? (2 Replies)
- Maiana AIS has stopped (10 Replies)
- Where can I find the appropriate drivers? (1 Reply)
- OenCPN Chart source for Canada? (PNW) (5 Replies)
- NMEA depth transducer (10 Replies)
- TTL level Onboard GPS PCB integration (1 Reply)
- Multiple GPS apps? (5 Replies)
- Import charts from OCPN to avnav? (3 Replies)
- GPS & Compass recommendations (1 Reply)
- GPS Compass (5 Replies)
- AP not visible from ESP32 when "AP & Station" is on (13 Replies)
- Grafana pitch / roll visualization (1 Reply)
- B&G H1000 Support Post (2 Replies)
- Raspberry PI5 New Installation Error (1 Reply)
- Connecting issue (1 Reply)
- OpenPlotter 4 (based on Debian Bookworm) (23 Replies)