General discussion
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- VNC server only working with RealVNC client? (2 Replies)
- High CPU usage from Node when some serial devices are not switched on (0 Replies)
- No IMU detected - Seede LSM6DS3 (2 Replies)
- MAIANA does not transmit (4 Replies)
- Compass options (2 Replies)
- SDR Airspy HF+ (3 Replies)
- Weird behavior in signalk with vedirect (0 Replies)
- No data in Influx from Signalk (2 Replies)
- O-charts API error code: {57} OP3 64bit (3 Replies)
- Looking for a way to see raw input data from data sources (0 Replies)
- Experience with the solar powererd wind vane? (2 Replies)
- True heading problem after update (0 Replies)
- This is the second time this has happened opening SK (5 Replies)
- Nice RS485/CAN Hat (6 Replies)
- GPS Disconnecting (3 Replies)
- OpenCPN freezing when serial GPS connected (9 Replies)
- Openplotter 3 - I2C - Your Raspberry Pi is too old (8 Replies)
- RasPi scarcity and options (5 Replies)
- Get Candidates, something to worry ? (6 Replies)
- headless (1 Reply)