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- headless pypilot (2 Replies)
- Installing SignalK Apps (3 Replies)
- N2K data missing (3 Replies)
- Anchor/AIS Alarm (9 Replies)
- Data Dongle or tethered phone for remote MQTT ? (1 Reply)
- Connecting NMEA Wind data from NASA Clipper (70 Replies)
- AIS-Reporter (8 Replies)
- How to run OP as Access Point AND get an Internet Connection? (1 Reply)
- Manually copy settings from OP 0.17.1 to 1.0 (1 Reply)
- oeSenc charts after updating to version 1.0 (1 Reply)
- OPCPN+OP+RPi+CAN-USB v2+N2K how it works? (2 Replies)
- Unreadable output from USB-RS422 Cable (2 Replies)
- Ikommunicate kindle app on openplotter (6 Replies)
- Signal K MQTT Node Red (15 Replies)
- WindTrim modes (8 Replies)
- No humidity and no IMU sensor reported (17 Replies)
- VNC on iPad. (15 Replies)
- New Twitter Node (2 Replies)
- Battery Monitoring (2 Replies)
- Who know Charts for european waters, that work with Openplotter? (5 Replies)