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- Signal K/MQTT issue - Help! (3 Replies)
- WIFI konfiguration (41 Replies)
- Ignore"none" value in signal k (0 Replies)
- SignalK Node Server (4 Replies)
- NMEA 0183 Data from Lowrance Chartplotter Received as Garbage (5 Replies)
- BME280 Temperature (1 Reply)
- 12 Volt GPS to Raspberry pi (1 Reply)
- Install the second wifi (10 Replies)
- Implementing /digitalyacht/ikommunicate/webAPP (27 Replies)
- TCP In from iPad (11 Replies)
- serial output (1 Reply)
- AIS with RTL-SDR (3 Replies)
- Control backlight (2 Replies)
- iAIS (0 Replies)
- Opencpn-Preferences got lost after shut down the PI! (6 Replies)
- Openplotter settings dialog window too small (2 Replies)
- Openplotter v 0.8.0 (2 Replies)
- Getting SDR AIS to work (1 Reply)
- How to configure a LTE usb dongle for internet connection + SMS + VNC? (2 Replies)
- getting usb-gps and usb-ais running (8 Replies)