
Full Version: New Py Zero 2 W is Out!
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Hi all. I managed to get hold of a Rasperry Pi Zero 2...

Any chance that this one will work with Timypilot in the near future? Meanwhile, I can always use openplotter on my RPI 4...
it works with stelian's image:

I will be supporting pi zero 2 in the future with new releases.. I am working on the software at the moment.
(2023-01-08, 07:41 PM)seandepagnier Wrote: [ -> ]it works with stelian's image:

I will be supporting pi zero 2 in the future with new releases..   I am working on the software at the moment.

Thanks Sean. Sounds good.
(2023-01-08, 07:16 PM)kniven Wrote: [ -> ]Hi all. I managed to get hold of a Rasperry Pi Zero 2...

Any chance that this one will work with Timypilot in the near future? Meanwhile, I can always use openplotter on my RPI 4...

You can use Stelian’s image now, because it does work. Depending on what you need you’ll have to do some extra stuff, but that’s all very clear (usb on page 3, zeroconf on page 9). Both aren’t necessary if you don’t have Sean’s wind sensor and if you connect with Opencpn throug the Pypilot plugin.

I want everything to communicate with signalk, because I’m probably going to buy a plotter for outside, since I cannot find an affordable waterproof monitor with waterproof controls.
(2022-07-26, 07:14 AM)PaddyB Wrote: [ -> ]
(2022-07-25, 08:12 PM)ironman Wrote: [ -> ]I'm currently trying to find a pizero 2. Is there anywhere in the world I can buy one? Thx!

@PaddyB: Thx man, just got one as well through rpilocator. Owe you a beer. Or whatever is acceptable these days ;-)
Hi Sean and Stelian,

Did you guys manage a new image for the RPi0-2? I went on a trip 3 weeks ago, where the Pi0 froze after 1.5 hours. I couldn't do much then except pull the power and restart it, but it only reconnects to my signal-server after a few tries, which I only found out later. I tried to check some things out and change some stuff, but I'm definitely not cut out for programming or anything else with tinycorelinux, because I usually end in reburning a new image to the disk (I also tried to add a SSD1306 screen on a test-pi with tiny core at home, but that didn't work out either).

I am not sure there was anything wrong with the image or the Pi; I simply couldn't check since I was the only one who could sail my boat into a new harbor. If I go out again (currently it's freezing cold here) I'll make some more time to check.

Hi Hans,

No, I didn't release a new image for the Pi Zero 2, although I have this on my todo list...

Regarding your freeze problems, difficult if not impossible to analyse post mortem. Maybe a power issue ?
(2023-03-02, 08:12 PM)stelian Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Hans,

No, I didn't release a new image for the Pi Zero 2, although I have this on my todo list...

Regarding your freeze problems, difficult if not impossible to analyse post mortem. Maybe a power issue ?

That might be, although I did't see it on my screen. We had a freezing cold wind, so I was steering inside. I had my monitor in front of me all the time, and I didn't notice any power failure. That doesn't mean that that didn't happen of course...

I want to ask the electrician in my new harbour to check on my system anyway, so I'll ask him that too.

Thanks Stelian!

Can you reproduce the freeze? This is using a pi zero 2 correct?
(2023-03-06, 09:03 PM)seandepagnier Wrote: [ -> ]Can you reproduce the freeze?    This is using a pi zero 2 correct?

Hi Sean,

I'm not sure, it was after 1.5 hour of motoring, where I was waiting for 40 minutes for a bridge. I am currently not sailing, since it is near freezing point at the moment. I wouldn't mind testing otherwise.

It is a RPi zero 2 indeed.

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