
Full Version: OpenPlotter 3 roadmap
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Thanks a lot for every notes.
fixed. Update to openplotter-dashboard 3.0.12

thanks for notifying
(2023-01-31, 07:13 PM)Sailoog Wrote: [ -> ]fixed. Update to openplotter-dashboard 3.0.12

thanks for notifying

Fast work.  Thanks for the fix.
New openplotter-gpio v3.2.24 beta including pulse sensors:
I've been watching all the good conversation on the 3.x upgrade for many months but I have not yet seen an announcement that this now supersedes 2.x as the production stable platform. I could have missed it. Please let me know. Thank you!
(2023-02-09, 10:23 PM)pillonm Wrote: [ -> ]I've been watching all the good conversation on the 3.x upgrade for many months but I have not yet seen an announcement that this now supersedes 2.x as the production stable platform.  I could have missed it.  Please let me know.  Thank you!

Look at the first post of this thread, if the feature you need is in green you can update to 3.x
You have probably noticed that many applications have been updated lately. This means that we are entering the last phase of the upgrade from OpenPlotter 2.x to OpenPlotter 3.x. Next week we will post some last changes and new images. From now on we will continue solving the bugs that come out and we will finish completing the documentation.

We also have many news and plans for the future:
  • The first units of the MacArthur HAT for beta testers are already in production.
  • OpenPlotter À la Carte will be available soon
  • The new OpenPlotter IoT application will offer great tools to communicate with OpenPlotter remotely.
Hello all,
is there any news from Rooco?
Is there a driver in the works?

If there is no chance for a solution, I have to rebuild my system.
Greetings Juergen
(2023-02-10, 08:48 PM)Luckbert Wrote: [ -> ]Hello all,
is there any news from Rooco?
Is there a driver in the works?

If there is no chance for a solution, I have to rebuild my system.
Greetings Juergen

The last message from them said "yes, we will do something", but obviously they will not.

Our solution:
(2023-02-11, 11:26 AM)Segellog Wrote: [ -> ]
(2023-02-10, 08:48 PM)Glückbert Wrote: [ -> ]Hallo zusammen,
gibt es Neuigkeiten von Rooco?
Ist ein Fahrer in Arbeit?

Wenn keine Chance auf eine Lösung besteht, muss ich mein System neu aufbauen.
Gruß Jürgen

Die letzte Nachricht von ihnen lautete "Ja, wir werden etwas tun", aber offensichtlich werden sie es nicht tun.

Unsere Lösung:
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